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If you think you know me,
read my blog and think again.

Be nice and I'll be nice to you. =)

end IP26th Dec 2008^^
trip to hong kong! 28th Dec 2008^^
go overseas with my darling!more! more!
good camera 28th Nov 2008^^
leather shoulder bag hk^^
nice Jacket that suits me =) 7th Dec 2008^^
NEW watch 8th Dec 2008^^
psp19th Aug 2008^^
lose 5 Kg
SLIM DOWN-neva enuff- =(
graduate with good grades
Miu Miu Satchel Bow(bag)
trip to DisneyLand!!
new handphone
nice heels
nice and comfy shoes
external hard disc
Find a good paying job

Shout Out


ji cong(cousin)



Eat and Train



November 2008
December 2008
February 2009
March 2009


Brushes: x x x
Picture: x
Host: x x

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

oh ya! forgot to post about it..
we went ta watch SlumDog Millionaire last week.
the show dam nice!
the storyline is so different from the other movies that we've watched.
maybe cause its a Bollywood flim... lolx..
wellllll..... we haven watched any of that in the past =X
lolx.. me, jus and Dawn lau were like some loiterring restless 'spirits'.
No project, no school, no JOB (ARGH!)...
we were like desperate for some entertainments.
our ideas ranged from Prata at simpang, Kbox to some other stupid ideas.. lolx..
in the end,
we decided on movie.
so last min... Heh
got car is good de lo. =D

We couldn't decide on the movie, so we O-Ya-Pay-Ya-Som. lolx.. in the end tio this one. then Jus was like... woah.... *ahem* movie ah... i also had my doubts about watching it. BUT lets leave it to fate. lolx..

The scenes were like a Poverty 'Porn'. By that, i meant its seriously an insight in the world of poverty; an 'nude' display of poverty. the life of these people who lived in the 'slums' are really really bad. its like a OMG OMG OMG to peopler like us who 生在福中不知福. >.<

lolx.. there were really disgusting scenes where the boy jumped into a whole puddle of shit. the whole cinema was like 'EWWWWWWWWWWW'. lolx.. the scene was super grossed!

As the Movie was ending, i was thinking, woah this indian movie no dancing ah. so different.

den before the credits, they suddenly all line up on the train's platform and start dancing!
I was like, I Knew It!!!!!
they neva dance for a movie will bu shu fu. XD

writtern @1:34 AM

Saturday, February 28, 2009

made a PSP wallpaper..

made with love.


think its not bad for a first attempt at


28 Feb

woah... this whole week after the presentation,

with nth left to do,

everyday chiong out sia.. ~.~

legs tired but happy..

Heh.. ^^

so shiock sia.. everyday go different places

like tai tai liddat.

no nid to worry about any projects!

dun even have time to play much audi.

haha.. but when can go out and have fun,

virtual happiness doesn't mean much XD

i need to work liao...

been sending out resumes but to no avail =(

lao tian ye jiu jiu wo ba! T_T


27 Feb
Met up with Kimchoon and clarry to discuss about some chalet stuffs.

kim choon dam blur la...

lousy organiser!

kimchoon if u are reading this,

i'm talking about YOU.


ok la.. juz very very blur.

at night i gave him a scare..

so funny..

shhhh.. shall nt disclose wad i did. =P

14 Feb - Valentines
lolx.. this year's valentines was so sweet.. =D
literally sweet! XD
my cute lil boy baked me banana muffins!
den wrapped them so super nicely
with an alphabet in each wrapping
that made up the word
'I love you'

haha... the banana muffins was the first surprise.
there was also the ice-cream!
homemade with love..
sweet sweet =D
lolx.. den my mum say me...
normally is gal made for guy one,
where got the other way round =X
Heh.. who cares.. happy can le.. ^^
took some nice neoprints too!
the graphics are so nice XD
love them alot!

writtern @11:16 PM

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to a cute little boy!!!!!!!


reach 20 already!

no more sweet 1x.... booohooo =((

haha! love ya!

Hope you like your presents!!!

and your angbaos~

writtern @11:47 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

lolx... I recieved a super funny email.

Its about
quite hilarious.

Anne Chang => Dirty (Mandarin)
Anne Chin => Keep Quiet (Mandarin)
Faye Chen => Dusty (Mandarin)
Carl! Cheng => Buttock (Hokkien)
Monica Cheng => Touching your buttocks (Hokkien)
Lucy Leow => You are dead (Hokkien)
Jane Tan => Frying eggs (Mandarin)
Suzie Leow => Lose till death (Hokkien)
Henry Mah => Hate your mum (Mandarin)
Corrine Tai => Poor fellow (Hokkien)
Paul Chan => Bankrupt (Mandarin)
Nelson Tan => Bird laying eggs (Mandarin)
Leslie Tong => Rubbish Bin (Mandarin)
Carmen Teng => Leg hair long (Hokkien)
Connie Mah => Call your mother (Cantonese)
Danny See => Squeeze you to death (Hokkien)
Rosie Teng => Screws and nails (Hokkien)
Pete Tsai => Nose droppings (Hokkien)
Macy Koh => Never die before (Cantonese)

lolx.. hope it made u laugh! =D

writtern @12:02 PM

2 more days to a Merry Xmas!!!! whee... did this image for my company. lolx.. dey actually wanted flash.. but well.. too bad... who ask them to onli think of doing a xmas card like onli 5 days before xmas.... lalalalalala.

lolx... the xmas celebration with C140 was not bad... was better than i imagined... mmmm.. tot it will be one of those sian sian meeting... nt too bad afterall.. =D

writtern @11:56 AM

Sunday, December 21, 2008

i feel that sometimes i'm a vv negative person.
negative thoughts often pop out about every1 suddenly.
i hate it.
the thoughts will juz float into my mind. i have no control over it.
i felt very helpless.

that was last time!
now, i feel so much better than last time =D
not as negative already!
all thx to some1 who came into my life! =D

i was juz sitting infront of my com,
before i started blogging,
some thoughts came into my mind.

looking back at the past me,
i feel sad.
i feel those who are expressively negative are to be pitied.
some1 really have to talk to them.
not juz to listen to them
or to agree with them,
but to sort of counsel them.
maybe dey have nt found some1 or something impt in life.
so sad.

sometimes these pple can be so negative,
i wonder if wad they are really looking isnt attention?
by openly expressing what dey feel,
do dey expect pple to care for them more?
although being a pessimist,
lucky it wasnt in my character to act liddat.
i really hate to AA.
haha.. wadeva... lolx.. thats pple's prob!

lolx... after being so called 'cure' of pessimism,
i became a worry wart!!!
oh no!
i keep worrying about everything...
hate it too.
it feels vv xing ku.
breathing gets difficult when there are too many things to worry about.
i juz wanna live a carefree,
Tai Tai life! *hint hint*

writtern @12:51 AM

Thursday, December 18, 2008

feeling stress these days. the end of ip is drawing near. the presentation is coming up and yet the company wants me to do some other flash project for them... i cant cope.. stressed.

decided to do a quiz from ah qi.(peiqi)

#01- MY FRIENDS.. are important to me. but there are only a few that i let into my world.

#02- I AM LISTENING TO.. the sound this lousy company laptop is emitting.

#03- MAYBE I SH0ULD LEARN.. some classes such as kik boxing, hip hop.

#04- I LOVE.. the pple i consider my frens and my family =)

#05- MY PLAN.. is to study as much as i can and find a good job to earn alot of money to buy wadeva i wan!

#06- I DUN UNDERSTAND.. how others think.

#07- I LOST... my motivation and determination to study.

#08- PPL SAY.. im lazy.

#09- I AM MISSING.. my frens.

#10- LOVE MEANS.. to be sweet sweet always! and dun stray!

#11- SOMEWHERE, SOMEONE IS.. experiencing the same things as me.

#12- I AM ALWAYS SEARCHING FOR.. my aim in life.

#13- FOREVER SEEMS.. like a good duration of time to be together with people i love! =D

#14- I WILL NEVER WANT TO.. fail in life.

#15- MY MOBILE PHONE.. has passed on.(spoilt) lol

#16- WHEN I WOKE UP IN THE MORNING.. i will go back to slp.

#17- I GET ANNOYED WHEN.. pple do things too slowly.

#18- PARTY ARE.. interesting? neva been to an actually big scale one b4.

#19- TODAY I.. am feeling down.

#20- TOMORROW I WILL BE.. worse.

#21- I REALLY WANT.. end my poly with good grades and go to the course i wan in Uni

#22- I.. feel aimless and down.

#23- MY RINGTONE.. is the nokia tone. lazy to change le. =X

1- peiqi
2- kc
3- Wingyi
4- john
5- clarence
6- yilin
7- zhiren
8- justin
9- LiangJun
10- rachel

#25- HOW DID YOU KNOW 1 - from poly year one. noticed her on the first day of orientation where she was toking so loud in the lecture room! lol.. tot she was a malay. =X

#26- DOES 2 SMOKE - not now... he finds it stinky. i tink.. haha

#27- D0ES 3 BEHAVE LIKE A HOOLIGAN - LOL.. nope.. abit cannot imagine

#28- WHY ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH 4 - haha.. cause.. he likes to show off his assets.. interesting ma! no la.. he's funny!

#29- IF 5 SLAPPED YOU ON THE FACE, WHAT WOULD YOUR RESPONSE BE - i will most definitely slap him back. den i'll go to the police station to file a report for abuse towards the weaker gender... waHahahaha

#30- WOULD YOU WOO 6 - nope. pple woo me nt i woo ppl =)

#31- NAME A TALENT OF 7 - he takes dam alot of lessons.. ~.~ taekondo- black belt, piano-completed. and many more~~~

#32- WHO IS 8 IN LOVE WITH - ME!!!!! =D

#33- HAS 9 EVER BETRAYED YOU - nope!

#34- WOULD YOU TRUST 10 WITH YOUR SECRETS - YES! shes my best fren since a long long time ago! *hugs*

writtern @2:04 PM

Monday, December 15, 2008

yay! xmas is coming!!!! happy desu!!!! 10 more days!

whee~ this year feel quite excited bout xmas... maybe cause 1 day after xmas is my last day of IP.. wahahahahaha...

xmas is so fun =) love the xmas atmosphere.. with the xmas tree and decorations around orchard... nice nice!

went to orchard and took many many nice pics the other day... of cuz.. this can onli be done with professional photographers like us! ahem.. lol...

writtern @3:16 PM